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Review 03 May

Conventional, EHA, EBHA

1. What are the types of Servo

Backup Control Module (BCM)

2. What controls Ailerons if PRIM and SEC’s are lost


3. What is the backup control for spoilers

CPIOM-C (x2) and Flight Control Data Concentrator (FCDC) app

4. Which CPIOM and APP is for Flight controls


5. What is the power source for PRIM 1/SEC 1

Pedals via Pedal Transducers (x2)

6. What is the input for Rudder operation

Sidestick input - provides co-ordinated turn

7. What gives Yaw function input when in roll

PRIM and SEC can do Direct Law (SEC can only compute Direct)

8. Which computers compute Direct Law

NZ Vertical Accel (4), NY Lateral Accel (4), NZ LAF Verfical Accel for LAF (6) and Rate Gyros (6)

9. What Accelerometers and Gyros are installed on the aircraft

2 feedbacks, one to each channel

10. Feedback from servos to PRIM/SEC is

Active and Damping

11. What are the Aileron conventional servo modes of operation

Loss of hydraulics, Mode Select Valve (MSV) closed, damping restrictor limits flow between chambers

12. When does Damping mode operate

4. Hydraulic, Retracted, Blocking, Maintenance

13. How many Spoiler conventional servo modes

Maintenance mode, operated via key, manually opens blocking valves

14. What is the manual mode for spoiler PCU and how is it operated

Electronic Module

15. What controls EHA in Electric Active mode

5. Hydraulic Active, Retracted, Electric Active, Blocking, Maintenance

16. How many Spoiler EBHA modes are there

Solenoid valve closed, EM controls motor speed/direction

17. How does Spoiler EBHA Electric mode engage

Solenoid valve open, servo valve controls movement

18. How does Spoiler EBHA Hydraulic mode engage

Inboard Aileron (conventional PCU), Outboard Elevator (Conventional PCU) & both Rudders (Upper EBHA)

19. Which surfaces are controlled by the Electric Backup System

Pitch Trim Switches

20. Pitch trim in backup mode controlled by

3, Green sys, Yellow sys & Electric (if installed)

21. How many tests for THS


22. Manual filling of EBHA is via

Review 04May22

ATA 38

By 2 electric compressors or ground connection

1. How are the water tanks pressurised

Heater, Circulation Pump, De-Scaling Unit, Heating & Disinfection Control Unit (HDCU)

2. What components in the Water Treatment Module

Aft Cargo, R/H sidewall

3. Where is the Water Treatment Module located

Manual shut-off valve

4. How do you isolate Law sink water supply


5. How does CIDS monitor Lag heater operation


6. Preselect of potable water level is from

Switch on service door gives inhibit signal to MCI for Vac Gen

7. What inhibits Vacuum sys during servicing

Below 16,000 ft or if altitude signals are lost

8. When does Vacuum Generator operate

Set to operate as if below 16,000 ft

9. What happens to Vacuum Generators if altitude signals are lost

Multi Purpose Interface (MPI)

10. Which LRU controls flush and rinse valves

Motor Controller Interface (MCI)

11. Which LRU controls the Vacuum Generator


12. Which CPOIM and App for normal L/G extend and retract

LGRDC 4A/B (also does WLG)

13. NLG on ground prox switches send signals to


14. Which hydraulic system powers WLG Bogie Trim Actuator

3 per unlock, NUA (1) and EUA (2)

15. How many actuators are used to unlock doors

Inner, Centre and Outer. (Auxiliary is mechanically driven by Inner)

16. Which BLG doors are hydraulically operated

Door Selector Valves, Landing Gear Selector Valves.

17. Which valves are used for Normal Ext/Ret

Cut-Out Valves, Vent Valves

18. Which valves are used for Free-Fall Ext

Door Bypass Valves

19. Which valves are used for GDO

5 green arrows

20. What is the “down and Locked” indication on the Independent Display

Timer. 63 secs to all gears down and locked.

21. Free-Fall system operates on which principle

Electric power, Hydraulics, Handle

22. What is required to close doors in GDO

Remove Maintenance Panel, Simulate gear extended on Pros switches

23. What is the precaution for closing the BLG doors following FF ext

Normal, Alternate, Ultimate and Emergency (Parking uses HP Accumulators)

24. How many braking modes with hydraulics supplied

BLG Alternate system px. Upper Lowest HP Acc, Lower L/R Px to brakes

25. Triple Gauge Indicator shows which system


26. Which CPOIOM and App controls WLG braking

Normal braking available (CPOIM/IRDC), Gear extended, 3 Secs upon retraction.

27. When is In-Flight Braking applied

2, Comfort and Performance

28. How many modes for LEHGS

Electronic Control Module (ECU) on each LEHGS

29. Which LRU controls LEHGS

When EBCU gets Park Brake discrete and PRIM Logic (Ground Spoilers deployed or on ground, <15 its, min 1 Eng running)

30. When does WLG support Ultimate Braking


31. Which App controls steering

No Green Hyd Px or HP accumulator Px low

32. When does LEHGS in Steering system operate


33. Which Hyd sys connects to BLG Steering

Via Sidestick Transducer and Damping Units (SSTDU) - 14 potentiometers

34. How are Sidestick signals sent to Flight Control Computers

Pedal Transducer Units (2)

35. How are Rudder Pedal signals sent to Flight Control Computers

Pull lever up to “Arm” auto speedbrake, Push lever down and move rearwards to manually extend

36. How do you operate the Speedbrakes

CPOIM-C, Flight Control Data Concentrator (FCDC)

37. Which CPOIM and APP is used for Flight Controls

Electronic Module on each PCU

38. What controls EHA and EBHA in Electric mode

5, Hyd Active, Retracted, Elect Active, Blocking, Maintenance

39. How many modes of operation does a Spoiler EBHA have

Use maintenance key to manually operate blocking valves

40. How do you select Spoiler EBHA to Maintenance mode

Yellow motor from Pitch Trim switches

41. When in emergency mode on BCM, what controls the THS

PRIM and SEC (SEC can ONLY compute Direct Law)

42. Which computers provide Direct Law

PTA = Ailerons and Spoilers 6-8, ATA = Inner and Mid Ailerons

43. LAF triggers, which surfaces operate

Amber X is due to position feedback loss, amber box is due to control loss

44. Flight Control ECAM indications show Amber X, Amber box, what does it show

Reset CB for Slat 1/2, Flap 1/2

45. How do you reset the SFCC’s

They both operate (if not on ground) but at half speed

46. When Green Hydraulic is lost, what happens to Slat/Flap operations

2, 3 or Full

47. What is the range of the Flap lever for Load Relief to be active

Auto reset when torque reduced, but pop-out indicators have to me manually reset on ground.

48. How do you reset system over-torque on Slats