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Book 1 stupid Qs

Basic Shit

MRW=571T. MTOW=569T. MLW=391T, MZFW=366T, Max payload=84T

1. What are the a/c weights

Inside RH Aft lab

2. Where is the Aft Av Panel

5 legs 22 wheels

3. How many legs and wheels

Fuselage station references in mm are from a point 7330mm forward of nose.

4. How do Aircraft Station References work

Station 8170

5. Where is Frame 0

8 zones. 100 lower fuse, 200 upper fuse, 300 stabalisers, 400 engines/pylons, 500 left wing, 600 right wing, 700 Landing Gear, 800 doors

6. What are the A/C major zones and how many

Bar codes. Used on LRUs, Safe life structual parts and parts that have a CMM

7. What is used on repairable parts that may be replaced in the life of A/C and examples of parts


LIGHTS OUT philosophy or DARK COCKPIT concept. RED = fail and immediate attention needed by crew(SMOKE) , AMBER = FAILURE needing awareness but not immediate action (APU GEN A), WHITE = abnormal sw position or maint (APU GEN OFF). GREEN = backup sys available (EXT 1 AVAIL), BLUE = normal use of a backup system(EXT 1 ON)

1. What is the philosophy for the FD lights and what do the colours mean

Conventional VU (Mature Tech. non digital) and new VM (Less wiring and weight, more reliable, digital and non digital). VMs are known as ICPs (Integrated Control Panels)

2. Describe the Control Panel Technology

For direct control items only

3. In the ICP technology what are non-digital signals used for

Integrated Modular Avionics. LRU functions are now Independent Apps.hosted in shared modules (CPIOMs). Reduces cost and maintenance due less computers

4. Describe IMA

Has software and hardware and hosts independent apps and also supplies I/O interfaces to conventional avionics.

5. Describe a CPIOM

They increase the capability of the IMA by satisfying the high demand of the conventional avionics

6. Describe IOMs

They are LRMs. They talk via the ADCN using AFDX

7. What are CPIOMs and IOMs known as and how do they talk

Avionics Full DupleX Switched Ethernet. Developed from a non-aeronautical standard and adapted to aircraft constraints

8. What is AFDX

The CPIOM integrates shared processing resources to execute its apps and processes I/O data for them. There are 7 types A-G 22(or23) total

9. Describe the CPIOMs and how many are there

Pneumatic and SCS. 4

10. What is CPIOM-A Type and Apps and how many

Aircon. 4

11. What is CPIOM-B Type and Apps and how many

Cockpit and flight Controls 2

12. What is CPIOM-C Type and Apps and how many

Data Link 2

13. What is CPIOM-D Type and Apps and how many

Energy 2

14. What is CPIOM-E Type and Apps and how many

Fuel 4

15. What is CPIOM-F Type and Apps and how many

Landing Gear 4

16. What is CPIOM-G Type and Apps and how many

No but each type is but may requires software reconfig

17. Are all CPIOMs the same

Does not host avionics apps. converts non AFDX data from conventional LRUs into AFDX data for the ADCN and vice versa. there are 8

18. Describe an IOM and how many are there

They are all type A and all interchangeable

19. What type and are all IOMs the same

An Avionics World and an Open World using and ADCN

20. How are the computers structured on an A380

There are 7 functional areas grouping LRMs and LRUs. 1 flight ctrl and AF, 2 Cockpit, 3 Eng ctrl, 4 Energy, 5 Pneumatic and Cabin, 6 Fuel and 7 Gear

21. What are the functional area of the Avionics World and how many

1 Avionics Domain, 2 Flight Ops Domain, 3 Comms and Cabin Domain

22. What are the functional areas of the Open world

2 firewalls.

23. What protects the avionics world from malicious data from open world

CPIOM, IOM or LRUs with an AFDX interface

24. What are ADCN Subscribers

TO ADCN by the I/O of their subscribers

25. How are other non AFDX LRUs connected

It is based on commercial Ethernet protocol. It gives secure and reliable Communications with 10 and 100 Mb/s flexibility for future developments and less wiring.

26. What is AFDX based on and what does it give

AFDX switches (which are electronic devices) and cables

27. What is the AFDX made up of

Receive data from subscribers and route the traffic between subscribers and route it through cables.

28. What do the AFDX switches do

It is a Full Duplex (meaning it can transmit and receive) physical link between a subscriber and an AFDx switch and between 2 AFDX switches.

29. What is a AFDX cable

a STAR QUAD cable composed of 4 wires uniformly twisted. 1 pair for trans and 1 pair for reception

30. Describe the AFDX cable makeup

As 2 networks A and B. 8 switches per network. They are in pairs on superposed switches for full redundancy

31. How is the AFDX network of switches arranged

50 (+2 opt)

32. How many LRUs have an AFDX interface

Operational Information System. It is made up of 3 NSS domains. Avionics Domain, Flt Ops Domain and the Comms and Cabin Domain. It allows better maintenance, flight and cabin ops.

33. Describe the OIS

The OIS part hosted here supplies tools for maint ops on Avionics World and Avionics Domain components and in the cabin. It has recording capability of a/c parameters and the electronic docs related to flight maint. It has a service tool for feeling

34. What is in the OIS part hosted in Avionics Domain

It gives Performance computation tools, Flight ops docs, Tools to support aircraft navigation, Comms management for AOC centre data exchange. Tools for maint on the flight ops domain

35. What is in the OIS part hosted in Flight Ops Domain

It supplies pax service like email and internet, Comms management for AOC centre data exchange. Tools for maint ops on Communication and cabin domain components

36. What is the OIS part hosted in the Communication and Cabin Domain

Onboard Servers, Routers and Laptops. It is divided into 3 sub-networks linked to 3 NSS domains

37. Describe the NSS network infrastructure

ANSU-OPS 1&2 (Aircraft Network server unit). These servers host the apps, docs and dbs. It has 2 redundant routers ARU-OPS (Aircraft Router Units). These routers manage the data exchange between Avionics World, NSS and HMIs. 1 SIRU (Secure Interface Router Unit) used to connect PMATS and FAPs as well as validating ACARS messages. 2 SCI (Secured Communication Interfaces). These give safe duplex comms between the apps and ACARS for AOC. 1 CDAM (Centralised Data Acquisition Module) for a/c parameters and avionic data for recording. 1 OWD (Open World Diode) . This only allows data out of the avionics domain not into it. One way communication from its Left to its Right

38. What is in the Avionics Domain network

Through HMIs in the cockpit Cabin and other areas using OIT, Keyboards, ACD. OMT, PMATs. FAPS too

39. How do you access the Avionics Domain

Printer 1 on the centre pedestal for maint use

40. Which Printer is Avionics Domain

1 ANSU-AFMR. This hosts the functions to configure the Flt Ops Domain network and manage comms with wireless ground network (WACS). 1 ARU-AFMR. This exchanges data with the 3 NSS domains Flt Ops Domain HMIs and WACS. P1 and P2 Laptop-AFMR in docking stations. These have hosted OIS apps and docs. 1 backup laptop-AFMR near P2 laptop.

41. What is in the Flight Ops Domain

OITs, Laptops.

42. How do you access the Flt Ops Domain

Printer 2

43. Which Printer for Flt Ops Domain

Mainly CMS, DLCS, ACMS. Also E-log, PDCS (Power Distribution Control System) and Maint Docs

44. What is the OMS composed of

It is part of OMS and is hosted in the Avionics Domain of the NSS in the Open World.

45. Where is CMS hosted

From Avionics systems via the SCIs and directly from Open World systems.

46. How does CMS receive its data

By the CMS app (part of the Av Dom) and Right OMS apps hosted in Flt Ops Dom and Cabin Dom. The CMS app in the Open World Servers acquires 2 types of data (Maint (sys BITEs) and ops data (Warnings and Flight phase from FWS and advisories from CDS)) from Avionic World Systems via the SCIs. Page 163 for the pretty picture

47. How are A/C systems monitored

OITs, OMTs, PMATs and Printer 1

48. How do you access CMS

OMS monitors and centralises failures of systems in Av World and Av domain only. The Right-OMS monitors and manages system failure on the right side of the OWD. Both can communicate with ground centres for maint data exchanges

49. What is different about OMS and Right-OMS

It is part of the OMS. Composed of Data Loading, Repository Management, Config reporting, Software pin programming

50. What are the functions of the DLCS and where is it

Avionic Systems in Avionic World via SCIs and directly with Open World systems

51. How does the DLCS communicate with the A/C

Elec Power

4 VFGs, 2 APUs or 4 GPUs

1. What are the 3 kinds of power sources

From AC network via 3 TRUs and 3 main BATs used for NBPT

2. In NORMAL how is DC supplied

1 PEPDC, 2 SEPDC (with 8 SPDB), 1 Emergency distribution by EPC

3. What are the 3 electrical sub systems and how many in each

Normal and emergency. Normal is Variable frequency (from VFGs and RAT) or fixed frequency (GPUs and APU GENs). Emergency is STAT INV

4. Describe the AC system and how it is split

ENG VFGs are 150KVA, APU GENs 120KVA,GPUs are are 90KVA RAT is 70KVA,

5. What are the specs of the VFGs, GENs, RAT and GPUs

28VDC. It is split around a normal DC generation (3 TRUs, 3 BATTS) and a specific APU generation (APU BAT and its own TRU). The normal DC generation is further split into DC main (2 TRUs) and DC ESS (1 TRU and 3 BATs).

6. Describe the DC generation system and how it is split

The BATs are 50Ah. The TRUs are 300A

7. What are the specs of the BATs and TRUs

PEPDC (side 1 and 2) contains AC and DC management. It supplies heavy loads over 15A, the Secondary Distribution and Emergency distribution

8. What makes up Primary Distribution

2 SEPDCs (side 1 and 2) and 8 SPDBs for loads not more than 15A. Transfers power from PEPDC for technical loads. 6 SPDBs in cabin for commercial loads and 2 in lower deck for cabin and cargo loads.

9. What makes up Secondary Distribution

1 Emergency Power Centre. It is for essential loads necessary to fly and land safely with out Main AC power

10. What makes up the Emergency Distribution

CBM and ELM apps in CPIOM-E1 and 2. The CBM monitors all protective devices except those in SPDBs. ELMs app takes care of LOAD shedding to make optimal use of available power

11. How is electrical distribution monitored and managed

Power Distribution Maintenance Interface. Allows monitoring of protective device sts in PEPDC and SEPDC. Consist of 2 redundant PDMCs (Power Distribution Maintenance Computers) and 2 PDCS (Powers Distribution Control System) apps in OMS

12. What is a PDMI


There are 8 identical Smart Liquid Crystal DUs.(LCDUs) made up of 2 PFDs, 2 NDs, 1 EWD, 1SD, 2 MFD. It also includes EFIS (PFD,ND), ECAM (EWD, SD) (Electronic Centralised Aircraft Monitoring) and video functions

1. Describe the CDS DUs

Used for many remote user function such as those previously done by MCDUs

2. Describe the MFD

Cursor controlled by KCCUs

3. Describe the control and interaction system

1 for each pilot. has a CCD (cursor control device) and a keyboard

4. What makes up the KKCUs

Displays info related to guidance and navigation. Uses PFD Main Zone (Short term flight) and ND (medium/long term). Gets info from ADCN with ARINC 429 as back up from ADIRUs

5. Describe EFIS

KCCUs, EFIS cont panels, CDS reconfig control panels (1313vu, 1314vu)

6. How do the pilots interact with the EFIS

ATT, Air Speed, ALT, VS, Heading, Flight Modes, RA, Landing Sys data. Lower Zone is ECAM not EFIS

7. What is in the PFD Main Zone

Main Zone contains A/C location in relation to flight plan and/or NAVAIDS, WXR, Surveillance. Lower Zone called Vertical Display (VD) Zone which include the profile, altitude, trajectory, terrain and weather. It also has an ND FM dialogue window.

8. What is on the ND


2 FWS apps hosted in CPIOM-C1 and C2. Get data from LRMs, LRUs via ADCN or directly. Uses Loudspeakers, Visual Attention Getters, Warning and Caution on CDS

1. Describe FWS

They use ECAM control panel (ECP) to get SD page and Checklist pages.

2. How does crew interact with FWS

IOMs and a backup connection for some ops.

3. How does the ECP connect to FWS

Alerts, Flight Phase and fault details to CMS

4. What else does the FWS send

12 phases. 1 = preflight. 2 = taxi. 3/4/5 = T/O. 6/7 = climb. 8 = cruise. 9 = approach. 10 = landing. 11 = taxi in. 12 = post flight.

5. How are flight phases divided

By CDS to compute the ECAM mode and to inhibit non critical alerts.

6. How are the flight phases used

Air Data, Navigation and AF

the ADR part of the ADIRU uses 4 types of sensor. 1 MFP (multi function probe) on R or L for AOA, TAT, Pt. 2 ISPs (Integrated Static Probes) on each side. 1 SSA probe. 2 OAT on NLG (1 to ADIRU 1 and 2 to 2&3). Apart from OAT they all have internal air data/digital converter and anti-icing (auto by ADIRU or manual with PROBE/WINDOW HEAT)

1. How is Air data received

Aircraft Environment Surveillance System. WX, Pred windshear, Turbulence, TCAS, Terrain collision. Sends warning and escape manoeuvre if possible

2. What is AESS

1 FCU, 3 FMCs. A is for FMS1, B is for FMS 2 and C is stby to replace A or B. 2 CPIOM-Cs with WBBC( Weight and Balance Backup Computation ) , FCU backup and FCDC apps. 6 FCGUs for FE, FG, FC installed in pairs called PRIMs.

3. What makes up the AF

They are not a physical unit! 2 FCGUS operating in command/monitoring architecture. A controls, B monitors. (e.g. FCGU 1A and FCGU 1B). One PRIM will be master the other 2 will be stby.

4. What makes up a PRIM and how do they work together

Normal Laws for FCS.

5. What do PRIMs compute

Flight Control System, side sticks and rudder pedals, Navigation system, steering control, FADEC and thrust levers, FQMS, CDS, OMS, CMS, DLCS, TCAS, ACMS

6. What interfaces does AFS have


2 HFDR, 3 VDR. VDR 3 is only one connected to Data

1. What are the radio comms

3 RMPs which are a part of RAIMS (radio and audio management system)

2. What are the comms HMI

2 AMUs

3. What process the audio sources

They have nav backup if FMS can’t tune nav aids

4. What else can RMPs do

4. 2 for each pilot with volume control.

5. How many speakers are there

RAIMS. Does Cockpit to Gnd too. Buzzer blah blah etc

6. What manages visual and aural indications and what else does it take care of


It is an App in CPIOM D-1

1. Where is ATC Datalink

FMS for position and flight plan, ADIRU for ALT heading speed and back up position. and AESS to confirm TCAS ops. It is also connected to the ACR (Avionics Communications Router) in CPIOM D-3

2. What is it connected to

ATC COM on MFD (button on KCCU), ATC Mailbox on SD (button on KCCU) and Printer 1

3. What are the crew interfaces

ATC MSG attention getter (CYAN P/B) and audio ring tone

4. How do the crew know an ATC msg has arrived


3 directors and DEU As (passenger related) and Bs (cabin and cabin crew (FAPs AIPs ACPs H/sets speakers etc))

1. What makes up CIDS

Cockpit Illumination

3 ceiling strips on each side of o/h panel adjustable from centre pedestal

1. Describe the ambient lighting

4 lights under the glareshield adjustable from centre pedestal

2. What does main instrument lighting

Ambient and Main Panel to full

3. Which lights does STORM do

1 reading lt in O/H panel and one under glareshield adjustable from centre pedestal

4. How is centre pedestal illuminated

4 lights on base of each pilots seat and 1 light for briefcase stowage and 1 for lateral console. Adjustable from 3 pos Console&floor lt switch on main instrument panel.

5. How is floor illuminated

Compass light and Pilot Eye reference. The 1 white (not the 2 red) illuminated by internal LED. Controlled by ICE IND indicator on O/H panel

6. What other important lights

Map, sliding table, reading, maintenance console. Adjusted by a pot.

7. What other boring lights have we forgotten to mention so far

INTEGral LighT pot on centre pedestal. Also 2 pots under glareshield for the glarehsield itself

8. How are instruments and backlights controlled

ANN LT sw on O/H panel. DIM BRT TEST

9. How are Annunciator lights controlled

Either via dimming control units for glareshield, main panel and pedestal or directly for the O/H lts

10. How is brightness controlled for annunciator lts

Cabin Lights


1. What controls and monitors cabin lighting

General Illumination, Lav lights, Reading and work its, 3 types of stand alone signs (Lav occ, NS/FSB, RTS), spotlights,

2. What makes up cabin lighting

Exterior lighting

Anti-collision beacon and strobe lights, Navigation and obstruction lights, Logo lights, Wing and engine scan lights, Runway turnoff lights, Taxiing aid camera lights, Landing lights and, Taxi and take-off lights.

1. What are the external lts

EXT LT panel on O.H panel.

2. Where are external Lts controlled from

LED (navs and obstruction), HID (bright white illuminations) or Xenon (flash tubes)

3. What are the technologies used

Hyd Power

Green and Yellow system at 5000psi.

1. How is Hyd power provided

EHA and EBHA for flt cont and LEHGS for brakes and steering

2. What are the back up sources

Main, Backup by electric and Auxiliary

3. What are the types of hyd generation

Each circuit has…4 EDPs (2 per engine) @ 5000psi, 1 Hyd reservoir in outboard pylons, FSOV on each engine.

4. Describe main hyd power generation

Primary and Secondary FLT cont, NWS, NLG, WLG and Brakes

5. What does Green supply

Primary and Secondary FLT cont, BLG and brakes, BLGS

6. What does yellow supply

Electro-Hydraulic Generators. The RAT only supplies electric power.

7. Describe the Backup Hyd Generation

2 EMPs per circuit in I/B pylons. On GND only if the 2 engines for the circuit are stopped.

8. Describe Auxiliary Hydraulic Power

One Green EMP runs for Cargo doors. One Yellow EMP for BLGS. Swaps each flt odd/even with flt number. A solenoid closes to isolate the rest of the hyd circuit.

9. When do EMPs run

By manually pump for dos or Ground connection.

10. How else is hyd power provided

Fire handle

11. What controls the FSOV

Each EDP (A+B) x 2 per circuit can be controlled ON/OFF. Both per engine can be declutched. GND Maint s control each EMP

12. How do the O/H HYD panel P/B operate

By one HMSU per circuit. Also gives indication to CDS

13. How is HYD sys monitored

Landing Gear

Into 3 sub systems. Normal, Free Fall and GDO

1. How is LGERS divided

ECAM wheels page on SD and independent indication panel on the gear control panel1312VU

2. Where can LGERS data be seen

Electrically controlled and Hydraulically operated. Operated by L/G lever. Green does NLG and WLG, Yellow does BLG

3. Describe the Normal system

Electrically controlled and operated. independent from IMA. Switch on the 1311VU panel operates. Door and Gear released from uplocks. the FFCM (free fall control module - a dual system) controls the sequence. Cut-out Valves (3 - 1 each per group NLG, WLG, BLG) isolate gear from main hydraulics. Vent Valves allow free flow between actuator ports - 1 each per gear (5).

4. Describe the Free Fall system

On GND from 5 door opening handles adjacent to doors.

5. Describe the GDO


Auto brake, Brake pedals, Parking brake handle, L/G lever

1. Where do braking orders come from

Normal, Alternate, Emergency, Ultimate, Parking

2. What are the 65 braking modes

3 groups. WLG (green) L and R BLG (green). All can operate independently in Normal, Alternate, Emergency,

3. What are the braking groups, how many and what Hyd

High Pressure Accumulators and/or LEHGS through the alternate circuit

4. Where does the Hydraulic power come from for Alternate, Emergency, Ultimate and Parking

3. 1 for WLG 1 BLG (1 fro NWS!!)

5. How many LEHGS

BCS in CPIOM-G (gives indications and warnings too) and the EBCU (Emergency Brake Control Unit)

6. What controls braking

BLG only has parking brake. Ultimate braking works differently on WLG

7. Differences between WLG and BLG

Steering System


1. What takes care of steering

Green Hyd

2. How does NWS normally work

LEHGS (Local Electro-Hydraulic Generation System ) with HP accumulator

3. How does NWS alternate work

NWS from hand wheels, AF and rudder pedals. BWS from NWS position

4. How is NWS and BWS commanded

As A/C increases commands decrease.

5. How is the commanded affected by A/C speed

Flight Controls Sys

Primary (roll, pitch, yaw and some auxiliary) using 6 ailerons, 16 spoilers, 1 THS, 4 elevators, 2 rudders. Secondary (High Lift) has 4 droop noses (slat 1), 12 slats and 6 flaps

1. How can the Flight Control systems be divided

Control around roll axis. Used for roll and aux. 3 per wing. O/b 2 conv servo. M/b, O/b 1 conv,1 EHA. All ailerons Outer works in Active Inner damping for normal ops

2. Describe Ailerons

Upper and Lower. Used for yaw and roll/yaw coordination and aux. 2 EBHA per rudder. Upper EBHAs in Active lower in damping during normal ops. Both can be active in cases of high deflection demands. Damping becomes Hyd Active if upper fails. Only becomes Elec Active if Hyd mode fails.

3. Describe Rudders

2 per side on THS. Control around pitch axis. Used for short term changes. One conv servo (outer) one EHA (inner) outer in Active, inner in damping in normal. Swaps for failure. High rate of change will switch both to Active.

4. Describe Elevators

Controls around pitch. Used for Long term actions. 2 Hyd, 1 elec motor. Only one at any time. Green active, Yellow stby, elec no power in normal ops. Auto mode has priority over manual and pitch trim switches are inhibited. Elec can be auto trim but if this fails pitch trim switches can be used. (Both together)

5. Describe THS

Control around roll axis (with ailerons). 3-8 for roll. All for speed brake. Some for aux. Each has 1 servo. All except 5 & 6 are conv servo. 5 & 6 are EBHA. Hydraulic active is normal mode for all. For failed spoiler become lost and retracts to 0. For EBHA however hydraulic failure switches it to electric active mode and it will operate slower.

6. Describe spoilers

Speedbrake (spoilers), lift dumping to slow and reduce lift on landing (spoilers and ailerons), Aileron droop for increased lift on approach, LAF to reduce bending fatigue (using ailerons and some spoilers)

7. What are the auxiliary functions of the primary flight controls

PRIMs only.

8. What computers can command primary flight control auxiliary functions

Decrease A/C speed with an acceptable buffet for passenger comfort. Deflection controlled by speed brake lever position. It’s extension is automatically compensated in the pitch axis by other laws. Roll order has priority over speed brake.

9. Describe Speedbrake


2. 1 each

1. How many flap/slat PCUs

Composed of 2 drive units and a differential gearbox. Both are active in normal. If one fails its full torque but half speed. Each drive unit is connected to both SFCCs. Slat PCU is 1 elec and 1 green hyd. Flap is 1 yellow, 1 green. They all have POBs. Hydraulic is Pressure and Elec is Power. Needed to released brake. No power/pressure = brake ON

2. Describe a PCU

An FPPU on each PCU linked to both SFCC provide positional data. An APPU at the end of each wing for each of Flap and slat (4) lined to both SFCCs permanently compared for failure detection.

3. Describe the PPU. Position Pick-off Units

4 between I/B&M/B&O/B. They have prox sensors and tell SFCC of misalignment.

4. Describe Flap Interconnection Struts

4 WTBs connected to both SFCCs. Ensure systems are locked in cases of critical failure. The are Pressure Off type. Slats are electric and flaps are hydraulic. Slats will therefore still operate with no hyd power.

5. Describe WTB

Structures and Doors

QRFP = Nose cone. GLARE = Fuselage fwd and aft upper. CFRP = upper deck cross beams, NLG doors, aft pressure bucket, wing ribs, flap track sidewalls, belly fairing Engine cowls and inlet. GFRP = parts of fin. Thermoplastic = slats.

1. Where are Composites used on the A380

16 Fail-safe plug type “A”. All are emergency evacuation

2. What type are the Pax doors

M1, M2, M4, M5. U1, U2, U3 have fuselage mounted slides. M3 has belly fairing mounted slide

3. Which doors have integrated slides

Handle to mechanically unlock and unlatch. When this is detected along with the open sw the green EMP runs. Stops the moment the open switch is let go. Each door has one hydraulic actuator.

4. Describe Cargo door ops

Operates EMP and Cargo Door Control Valve.

5. Where is the Open/close switch and what does it do

A standard power tool cane used. If the Hydraulics have failed external lifting devices can be used.

6. What is the alternate method

Door and Slides Management System. Controls and monitors all doors and hatches as well as residual cabin pressure warnings from the ASPSU (Autonomous Stby Power Supply Unit). It also monitors door sill height for M1 slide extension

7. What is the DSMS

Local Door controllers (LDCs) which monitor pax doors and slides status and controls electromechanical actuators and slides. It also stores energy for emergency operation. The ASPSU detects px from Diff Press Sensors to turn on Red light in door. A DSMCU

8. What makes up the DSMS

It interfaces between A/C and doors/slides including all cargo, crew rest and electronic bay doors

9. What does the DSMCU do


10. What does DSMS exchange data with

Water Waste

Storage, Distribution, treatment, servicing, operation/control and indicating

1. What makes up the potable water system

6 (or 8).

2. How many tanks

283 Ltrs for a total of 1700 ltrs (or 2267)

3. What is the capacity

2 compressors on LHS aft cargo to 35 - 41psi

4. How is it pressurised

Inhibition Module (water conditioner) and a heating device.

5. What makes up the potable water treatment module

FAPs via CIDS and also on the PWIP in the PWSP

6. Where are the controls and indications

Waste storage, waste transport, servicing, Op/Control/indicating

7. What makes up Toilet System

4 sub systems. MD and galley = 675ltrs x 2 and UD and galley = 373 x 2.

8. How is the Toilet system arranged

Flush valves and cabin differential px. 4 vac generators below 16000ft and on ground.

9. How is the poop transported


10. Where do you see the indications and controls


Storage, Distribution and Control and Indication

1. What makes up the Flight Crew or Pax Oxygen system

Upper avionics in a cradle 1( or up to 4)

2. Where is the flight crew oxygen stored and how many

High pressure through reducer/transmitter. Low pressure through supply velvet distribution manifold to mask boxes.

3. Describe the distribution system

It contains a full face quick donning mask

4. Describe the Oxygen box

P/B on O/H panel controls low px supply vlv. It can be seen on the DOOR/OXY SD page and also status info regarding oxy supply pressure, cylinder px and high or low warnings

5. How is Crew Oxygen Controlled and where is it seen

RHS fwd Cargo. 3 to 15 cylinders.

6. Where are the Pax bottles and how many

High Px through reducers/transmitters. Low Px to regulator to distribution line connected to masks

7. Describe the distribution system

Auto if CPCS cabin alt above 14000ft using OSCU or by altitude px switch as backup or Manual Crew action

8. How is Pax system activated


9. Where is CPCS hosted

SYS ON indicator light.

10. What is the indication Pax Oxygen is on


To safely store fuel for APU and Engines. It must be able to thermally expand safely. And regulate air pressure. It must also protect from fire and condensed water.

1. What is the prime function of the storage system

11. 1, 2, 3, 4 Feed tanks, LH & RH inner tanks, LH & RH mid tanks , LH & RH outer tanks and THS trim tank

2. How many tanks

A surge tank (between mid and outer tanks) and a vent tank (at the outer ends)

3. What is in each wing also

A vent/surge tank on the RHS

4. What is in the THS also

Temporary storage of fuel overflow and air venting.

5. What are the surge and vent tanks for

For each part there are 2 fuel pumps in each feed tank collector cell. 1 stby 1 main. Each pump has a px sw. Usually controlled by P/B SWs.If Main goes Low Px stby automatically starts

6. Describe the engine fuel feed

4 and closed. Fuel panel manually or Auto in emergency

7. How many crossbleed valves and normal condition and where controlled

Fuel page of SD

8. Where can you see LP vlv pos

O/B ENG 1&4. Only used if Air/Hyd heat x

9. Where are the Hydraulic Heat Exchangers and when used

1 pump and 2 valves (isolation valve and LP valve)

10. What is in the APU fuel feed

2 fwd and aft. Under an hour

11. How many fuel galleries can be used for fuelling and how long to fully fuel

Refuel/defuel to aft refuel gallery. Auxiliary refuel to fwd

12. Which couplings connect to which gallery

Only ever manually started but manually or auto stopped by FQMS.

13. How is jettison controlled

Transfer tanks only never feed tanks

14. Where does jettison fuel come from

Fire Protection

A single FDU, detection loops and conversion modules

1. What makes up the fire detection system

Zone 1 fan comp, zone2 Intermediate Compressor comp, zone 3 core comp, pylon

2. What zones are protected on Trent 900

Core Comp (on fan exhaust cowls) and pylon

3. What zones are protected on GP7200

In parallel to conversion module then to FDU then to A/C systems

4. How are the loops connected

Duct type detectors installed on air extraction ducts. Main and Upper = 2 pairs, LH, RH. IFEC and Rear Av has 1 pair each.

5. Describe the smoke detection of Avionic Comps


6. What type are the detectors

2 CAN buses to CIDS SDF (P.714)

7. How are the Electronic Comps connected

Ambient air sensors in ceiling near air extraction point. Communicates to CIDS (P.716)

8. How are LAVS and Crew rest smoke detected and connected

4 FWD, 4 AFT, 1 BULK. Connected to CIDS

9. Where are the cargo smoke detectors installed and connected to


Twin Shaft. (HP N2 and Load Shaft N1) Load GB with 2 Gens. Load Compressor for Bleed. HP comp drive AGB (with starter, oil pumps, fuel control)

1. Describe the APU make up

Air cooler using compartment air

2. How is oil cooled


3. How is fuel controlled

Primary an secondary

4. How is the fuel manifold arranged

14 fed by primary or secondary as well

5. How many nozzles and how are they fed

IGVs and SCV (Surge Control Valve)

6. What else uses fuel


Pylon box

1. What is the primary pylon structure also called

Lower fairing

2. What is the aft faring also called

RR Trent 900

pneumatic (starter) and electrical connections.

1. What is on the LHS of pylon

Fuel and Hydraulics

2. What is on the RHS of pylon

Intermediate case

3. Fwd mount to

Tail Support

4. Aft mount to

Intermediate case

5. Strut mount to

3 rotor (LP IP HP) on 8 Bearings

6. Describe the engine makeup

24 blade FAN & 5T, 3 bearings RBR. Turns CCW

7. Describe LP rotor

8C &1T, 3 bearings RBR. Turns CCW

8. Describe IP rotor

6C & 1T 2 bearings BR. Turns CW

9. Describe HP rotor

Uses Fan air to cool.

10. Describe TCC

3 IP bleed valves 8th stage, 3 HP bleed valves 3rd stage. 1 stage IP VIGVs, 2 stages IP VSVs

11. Describe Bleed sys

Protect against surge and stall

12. What are bleed valves and Variable Vanes used for


pneumatic (starter and bleed air) and electrical connections.

1. What is on the LHS of pylon

fuel and hydraulics) and electrical connections (Variable Frequency Generator (VFG) feeder cables). On the pylon front secondary structure the electrical interfaces with the Full

2. What is on the RHS of pylon


3. Fwd mount to

Turbine Exhaust Case

4. Aft mount to


5. Strut mount to

It sets the ENGINE MARK and corresponding TO thrust

6. What is the DEP for


7. What is the bypass ratio

2.5 Bleed for LP 5th Stage. Start Bleed System for HP 7th stage. VIGV/VSV (CSVCS compressor stator vane control system)

8. Describe the bleed sys

SVA controlled by EEC to use fuel and muscle.

9. What controls and operates the bleed components

Engine Indication


1. Where and what are the eng indications

Ratio of Combustion chamber px to intake px corrected by their Temps

2. How is THR derived

In the EEC and known as ACUTE (Airbus Cockpit Universal Thrust Emulator) and uses TPR (Turbofan Power Ratio)

3. Where is THR computation done

Max avail thrust with BLEED off at TOGA

4. What is 100% THR

Thrust Reverse


1. What are the components of the T/R system

TLS from PRIMs, TRPU gets 115V from EIPM, ETRAC stow/deploy from EEC

2. What are the lines of defence


4 ENG, APU, 3 HP GND connections (DISTRIBUTION!!!!!!)

1. Describe PADS

3 L, C, R

2. How many crossbleed valves

C separates ENG 1 from 4 and therefore L wing from R wing. ENG 2 joins L side, ENG 3 joins R side

3. How are the crossbleed valves arranged

A single SW for CLOSE, AUTO (normal pos) and OPEN. A single sw for APU Bleed

4. What controls for bleed do you have


5. What side of the crossbleed manifold is SPU bleed connected

CPIOM-A PADS does APU isolation vlv, ECB does APU bleed vlv

6. When APU bleed operated which commands are sent

On the belly to LHS of manifold

7. Where do GND connectors connect to

4 engine bleed switches and the Engine Bleed Air System (Bleed creation!!)

8. Describe EBAS

HP Bleed Valve and IP Bleed Check Valve controlled and determined by EBAS

9. How is engine bleed port selection achieved

Bleed Vlv by EBAS and OverPressure Valve (OVP) for EBAS fail

10. How is engine pressure control ensured

FAV through bleed cooler

11. How is Bleed temperature controlled


4, 2 per AGU, 1 per ACM

1. How many FCV

4 CPIOM-B AGS app and 2 FDACs

2. Which CPIOM and APP controls and monitors

In the wing root

3. Where are the packs

2 in wing root

4. How many FDACs and where


5. Where can you see some of the params

Cockpit and 7(8) UD and 8 MD

6. What are the temp control and monitoring zones

Rear of FWD cargo

7. Where is mixer

Downstream of FCVs

8. Where does the hot air come from

2. They control the hot air px to be above cabin px. Also have shut off function

9. What do the TRPRVs do and how many

2 and 4. Make up 4 quadrants for trim air manifold

10. How many TASOVs and TACKVs

4 CPIOMs-B TSC app and a TADD

11. What controls and monitors Temp


Compartment Air eXtraction. 1 in FWD, 1 in AFT bilge..each has an isolation vlv, a CAX fan

1. Describe the CAX

Blows near OFVs. Runs on GND and if not enough Cab Dif px. Also manual switch for smoke extraction

2. When and Where to does CAX fan work

VCS app in CPIOM-Bs plus FWD and AFT VCMs

3. What monitors it

CAX fan can be turned on. 2 ORVDs ( overpressure relief valve dump) on aft bucket open to help if smoke is in UD

4. What happens in smoke condition


5. What controls and monitors ORVDs


6. Where can you see ORVD params

Anti Ice

Slat 4 with hot air.

1. What is Anti ice protected on Wings


2. What controls the Wing Anti Ice valves

HP3 via SOV and RAIV (regulating Anti Ice Valve)

3. Where does Eng Intake heating come from for RR900

Switch on Anti Ice panel --> AICU —> SOV

4. What controls the SOV for RR Trent 900

Pneumatically operated, Electrically controlled via solenoid. Spring loaded open

5. Describe the SOV ops

HP7 via NAIV (Nacelle Anti Ice Valve)

6. Where does ENG intake heating come from for GP7200

Switches on Anti Ice panel to AICU to EEC to NAIV

7. What control the NAIV for GP7200

Energised closed (so normally open). Solenoid controlled pneumatically activated regulating and shut off valve

8. Describe the NAIV ops

ECAM Ice indication

9. How do they know to use it

Trent has 2 valves SOV and RAIV. GP7200 has 1 NAIV. Trent AICU controls. GP7200 AICU asks EEC to control

10. Describe Trent 900 and GP7200 differences