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c. At 48 Psi

At what pressure is the REGUL LO PR warning given

c. Via a frangible disk

In the passenger oxygen system, how is an overpressure in the HP side released

a. On the DOOR/OXY SD Page and on a direct reading gauge on the oxygen cylinder

Where can the flight crew oxygen system pressure be seen


b. It is returned to the Outboard Feed Tank using a jet pump

In the fuel tank vent system, what happens to fuel that enters in to a surge tank

a. By using ARINC 429 links from CPIOMs F1 and F2

After a loss of the ADCN, how is the Fuel Quantity Management System able to communicate fuel data to other aircraft system

b. From the Engine Master Switch and the ENGINE FIRE pushbutton

How can the LP Fuel Valves be operated

b. That the fuel on board quantity indication is degraded

On the EWD, what is indicated when a fuel on board quantity indication has two amber dashes through the last three digits

a. One to keep the collector cell full and one for water scavenge

What is the purpose of the Jet Pumps in the Collector Cells

c. Main Pump 2 and Standby Pump 3

In Emergency Electrical Configuration, which fuel feed pumps are electrically supplied

c. Shortly after last engine shut down

When is automatic testing of the LP Valves carried out

b. In the outboard engine pylons

Where are the Fuel/Hydraulic Heat exchangers located

b. When the Master Switch is ON, and the APU pump inlet pressure sufficient

During APU operation, when does the APU fuel pump switch off

c. When all procedures are complete for an automatic refuel from the cockpit

Adjacent to each refuel/defuel coupling there is a Ready to Refuel light. When does this light come on

a. Main Transfers and Load Alleviation Transfers

Which of the following fuel transfer types CANNOT be operated simultaneously

a. Trim to Inner, then Trim to Mid, then Trim to Feed

What is the fuel transfer sequence from the Trim Tank to the other tanks

c. One in each Inner Tank

How many fuel transfer pumps are installed in each wing Outer Tank

b. The Aft Gallery

Where are the Fuel Jettison Valves connected to

b. ADIRU 1 and 3

Which ADIRUs are the Primary Source of information for the FQMS


c. The Engines and APU

Which of the following areas are protected with a fire extinguishing system

a. When the ENG/FIRE P/BSW is pushed

When is the engine fire extinguisher cartridge firing system armed

c. One in each loop

How many fire detectors are installed in each loop of the APU fire detection system

a. Two in each compartment

How many fire detectors are in each of the Landing Gear Compartments

c. They interface via four Conversion Modules (One per engine)

In the Engine fire detection system, how do the fire detectors interface with the Fire Detection Unit

b. From the ENGINE FIRE PANEL only

Where can the Engine, MLG and APU Fire Warning Test be carried out from

c. In the three CIDS Directors

Where are the SMOKE DETECTION FUNCTIONS for the cargo and avionic compartments hosted

b. Via a Control Area Network Bus (CAN)

How do the Avionic Compartment Smoke Detectors interface with the CIDS Smoke Detection Function

ATA 49 - APU

a. To drive the two electrical generators

On the APU, what is the Load Gearbox used for

a. The Generator Oil System fills first

During replenishment of the APU oil system, through the common filler neck, which oil tank is filled first

c. Electrically Controlled and Fuel Operated

In the APU Bleed Air System, how is the Surge Control Valve Controlled and Operated

a. An N1 or N2 Overspeed

In flight, which of the following will cause an automatic shutdown of the APU

a. By a suspension system via three airframe mounts

How is the APU attached to the APU Compartment Structure

c. Electrically Controlled and Fuel Operated

In the APU Bleed Air System, how is the Inlet Guide Vane Actuator Controlled and Operated