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c. VDR 3

Which of the VDR Radios is used for Data Communications

b. The Interlock Function between the Couplers

What stops simultaneous transmission on HF1 and HF2

a. 28 VDC ESS and 28 VDC From DC Bus 1

What are the power supplies used by AMU 1

c. RAD PTT has priority over INT PTT

On the Radio and Audio Management Panel, which of the following has the highest priority

b. The MECH light flashes on all MPs and a buzzer sound is heard

What are the cockpit indications for a CALL from the Ground Mechanic

c. F/O and 4TH Occupant

Which Crew Members is AMU 2 dedicated to

c. Only one can be selected at a time

On any Radio and Audio Management Panel, how may transmission keys can be selected at any one time

c. VDR 3, HF 1, HF 2 and SATCOM

Which radio systems is the Avionic Communication Routing System linked to

b. On the ground when at least one ENG MASTER SW is ON

When is the CVR powered



a. One

For each Air Data Inertial Reference Unit, how many Multi Function Probes are installed

c. 28VDC for the Digital Converter and 115VAC for anti-icing function

What power supplies are used for Integrated Static Probes

a. F/O selects AIR DATA SW to F/O ON 3

After an ADR 2 FAULT indication, what action is required to recover ADR information


c. MMR 1 Only

Which MMR is used to supply the ISIS with ILS DATA

c. ADIRU 3

Which ADIRU normally supplies the ISIS with IR DATA

a. ADIRU 1

Which ADIRU is used as the backup for the ISIS IR DATA


c. By an M on the ND next to the RADIO NAV information

How is manual tuning of a Radio Nav System indicated to the crew

c. By an R on the ND next to the RADIO NAV information

How is back up tuning of a Radio Nav System indicated to the crew

c. Automatically by their own side Flight Management Computer

In normal operation, how are the Radio Navigation Systems Tuned


b. When the LS P/B is pressed on the EFIS Control Panel

When is ILS information displayed on a PFD

a. On the MFDs, NDs and ISIS

Where is GPS information displayed

b. Below 700 Ft

After landing gear extension, when is the ILS TUNE/TEST inhibit issued


a. From ground level up to 2500 Ft

When is A information displayed on the PFDs

b. 5000 Ft

To what altitude is RA information valid for user systems


a. On the PFDs and on the NDs

Where is DME information displayed

a. On the PFD only

Where is MKR information displayed


c. Minus 9000 feet to Plus 2700 feet from current A/C Altitude

What are the TCAS display limits when BLW is selected on the AESS CP

a. WRX/TAWS Group and TCAS/ATC Group

Apart from the I/0 and Alert Priority module, how are the other four modules grouped together


c. A/THR is engaged active, with full thrust on all engines

With all engines operating, what happens when an ALPHA FLOOR condition is detected

b. By using the colour CYAN

How are Selected AP/FD Targets shown on the PFDs

b. No engines operating and low hydraulic pressure

With all ADIRUs, PRIMs and FCU operative, when can the AP be engaged on the ground

b. Three Flight Management Computers

What is the make up of the Flight Management System

b. FMC-A CAPT, FMC-B F/O, FM-C Spare

How are the Flight Management Computers normally configured

c. A/TH engaged and active, with TOGA thrust selected

What is the A/THR mode when the ALPHA FLOOR condition is active


b. It is set to 50% brightness

What happens to the cabin general lighting in the event of a FAP failure

c. The Lower Beacon Light Power Supply Unit

Which unit synchronises the Beacon Lights and the Strobe Lights

a. It is set to 100% brightness

What happens to the cabin general lighting in the event a Cabin Decompression

c. The Nose Landing Gear Downlocked Signal

What signal is used to automatically turn off the Runway Turn Off Lights

b. On the ground only

On the FAP, when is the cabin Main ON/OFF button active

c. The Nose Landing Gear Downlocked Signal

What signal is used to automatically turn off the Taxi and Take Off Lights


c. The DEU Bs

Which LRUs are used the interface between the directors and the cabin crew function

c. The cockpit acoustic equipment

Which source has the highest priority over the PA System

b. DIR 1 Active with DIs 2 and DIR 3 in Hot Standby

In normal operation, what is the configuration of the CIDS Directors

b. That the DC ESS BUS power is available

On the DEU B Connection Box, what is represented by the AMBER light

b. The Cargo and Avionic compartments

Which areas are monitored by the CIDS Smoke Detection Function

b. They are set to 50% Brightness

What happens to the Cabin Lights when the CIDS is in Emergency Mode



Where is the ATC Data Link Application hosted